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The Finance Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:

  1. The Financial Adviser
  2. One nominee of the Government of India not necessarily from among the members of the General Council
  3. One representative of the General Council (other than the Vice President) of the Akademi
  4. One nominee of the Executive Board not necessarily from among members of the General Council
  5. The Vice President of the Akademi who shall ex-officio be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee.


Prof. Kumud Sharma – Ex-officio Chairperson
(Vice-President, Sahitya Akademi)
188, National Media Centre
Shankar Chowk, N.H. – 8
Gurgaon-122 101 (Haryana)

Mob.: 9811719898


Ms. Ranjana Chopra – Financial Adviser
Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser
Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Shastri Bhawan

New Delhi – 110001

Tel.: 011-23388346/23381516


Ms. Uma Nanduri – (Govt. of India Nominee)
Joint Secretary to the Govt of India
Ministry of Culture
Shastri Bhavan

New Delhi – 110001

Tel.: 011-23386504


Dr. Rawail Singh – (Representative of the General Council)

G-I, IInd Floor
South Extension, Part II
New Delhi – 110 049

Mob: 9212021195

Tel:41314187 (R)


Dr. Gourahari Das – (Nominee of the Executive Board)
378, Baramunda Village
Bhubaneswar – 751 003

Mob: 09437077288 / 8239952586

Tel: 0679-2354136


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