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President, Vice President, Financial Advisor & Secretary


The General Council of Sahitya Akademi elects the President of Sahitya Akademi out of a panel of minimum three names forwarded by the Executive Board of Sahitya Akademi.

The Executive Board selects the panel of names from the list of recommendations of the outgoing General Council.

The President of Sahitya Akademi will continue in office until the election of the new President by the new General Council.

The President of Sahitya Akademi has the power to take decisions on behalf of the Executive Board or General Council and such decisions taken by the President are ratified later by the General Council or Executive Board.

The President of Sahitya Akademi provides inputs, suggestions and directives to the Secretary from time to time for the smooth functioning of the Akademi besides taking decisions on behalf of General Council or Executive Board.

Vice President

The Vice President of Sahitya Akademi is elected by the General Council from among the members.

The Vice President assists the President in all possible ways and also guide Secretary of Sahitya Akademi in all matters in all possible ways.

The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President for whatever reason, exercise all the functions and powers of the President.

The Vice President of Sahitya Akademi is also the Chairman of the Finance Committee.

Financial Advisor

The financial advisor of Sahitya Akademi is appointed by the Government of India.

The financial advisor of Sahitya Akademi oversees the preparation of annual accounts including estimates for further presentation before the Executive Board and General Council.

The financial advisor of Sahitya Akademi is the one who provides inputs towards utilization of funds including whether they are being utilized for the purpose for which the funds were granted by the Ministry of Culture.

The financial advisor also exercises such other powers and functions as may be assigned to her / him by the Executive Board.


The Secretary of Sahitya Akademi is appointed by the Executive Board. The period and term for which Secretary is appointed is based on the terms and conditions which the Executive Board may determine.

The Secretary of Sahitya Akademi is the Principal Executive Officer. In that capacity he / she will be the ex-officio Secretary of the General Council, the Executive Board, Finance Committee and all other standing committees that are set up by the General Council or Executive Board from time to time. The Secretary is the ex-officio member only and shall not be deemed to be the member of either the Council or the Board.

The responsibilities of Secretary include the following but are not limited to only the following and he / she shall carry out any further responsibilities given by the President or General Council or Executive Board:

  • To be the custodian of the records and, subject to the general supervision and control of the Executive Board, to manage the property and funds of the Akademi for the purpose for which they are granted or allotted;

  • To conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the authorities of the Akademi;

  • To issue all notices convening meetings of the authorities of the Akademi and all committees appointed by any of these authorities;

  • To keep the minutes of all meetings of the authorities of the Akademi and of all committees appointed by any of these authorities;

  • To maintain the accounts of the Akademi under the supervision of the Financial Adviser; and

  • To execute all contracts on behalf of the Akademi.


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